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Databases of Articles

Click on the links below that will take you to our A-Z List of Resources and how to find library subscribed databases, open educational resources and credible websites by title, by subject, by type and more.

Databases by Title (A-Z list)

Databases by Subject

Books and eBooks

As Indiana Tech students, you can search books by using the McMillen Library online catalog (powered by Worldcat). To search for books, go to Advanced Search and enter the keywords, such as "data analytics", into the search box, and then click the "McMillen Library, Indiana Tech" option. You will then able to access all relevant books not only in the Fort Wayne Campus, but also in all other Indiana Tech Campuses as well.

McMillen Library Catalog

eBooks and how to view them

e-Journal Finder

Search for an e-journal, e-newspaper, or e-magazine by title. This tool is for searching for journals by title only.

e-Journal Finder

Audio-Visual Resources

In this resource guide you will find a selection of free and usable videos, images, audio, and anatomy resources.

Audio-Visual Resources